Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The important thing is not to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein

Delaney is learning so much, so quickly!! I love watching her, but just want her to always stay this age. It's so much fun!! The new phrase she has learned is "Wassat?" which is said whenever she hears a different noise, picks up something she doesn't know what to call, or isn't sure what you are doing, i.e. "What's that?" Point-in-case, we went to the park a few blocks over yesterday morning and on the way home, we drove past the concrete plant. She could hear one of the trucks leaving as it drove past us, so she looked out the window and said, "Wassat?" So cute!

She is also trying to make sentences, by just putting together words of what she wants or needs. She always wants to sit in my lap if I am at the computer (note: she is getting some sort of computer for birthday/Christmas, feel free to post your recommendations. It must have a screen and keyboard, not the kind you plug into your TV. ) so today she was tugging on my left knee saying "Open (meaning turn this way). Chair. Sit. Me."

A few other phrases --

"I got it!"
"Dropped it"
"Broke it" (anything that Chuck or myself drop to the floor, or something she 'breaks', like today she tore a hole in her coloring book and ran out of her bedroom to get me to tell me she broke it.)
"Thank you" (we've had this one since before 16 months probably)

I'm so excited -- I'm off work for the next 4 days!!! Tomorrow Delaney and I are going to the library to pick up my library card, then to have lunch with my mom. We may swing into Target afterwards, we are in desperate need of batteries around this house, all of the toys seem to be dying at the same time. Friday will probably be a day spent outside and at the pool, then Chuck will be home with us Saturday and Sunday. One of those days will be spent at my parents, Chuck read up on how to recharge the a/c in the Focus and it is overdue. With the heat index, it's up in the triple digits most days in the afternoon.

More pics to come after the weekend, I'm sure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! i love your layout and the posts and...all of it!